Thinking Behind Choices I

TBC I (includes assessment)

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Product Description

Thinking Behind Choices I
Includes a report describing your own patterns of thinking

This is a schedule-friendly course that can be applied to the Certified Valuations Specialist Certification.

  • Before the first class, you will take an online assessment that produces a report of your patterns of thinking
  • Using your own measurements, you will learn about the thinking behind choices, especially your own, with amazing specificity
  • Learning is via interactive webinar and specific: 28 measurements plus combinations that individually and together produce what makes sense at rest, during problem solving, and when under stress, and the choices that follow
  • When you can't attend a live class, you can view a video of what you missed
  • This class can be completed almost exclusively via video on your own time

Within one business day of completing your purchase here, look for an email from [email protected] to confirm your start date and time.